1 of 3
Property Price Growth | |
Rental Growth | |
Opportunity Cost of investment |
GST Payable | |
Agent Fees | |
Legal Fees |
Agent Fee | 2 months rent |
Security Deposit | 2 months rent |
Initial Fit-out
Annual maintenance costs | |
Monthly Facilities Fees |
Find out how a business loan can help finance your property rental needs.
To find out how you can finance your property, request for a callback from us now.
Request callbackWe offer attractive Fixed & Floating rate packages to suit your financing needs. To learn more, please leave your contact details here and our sales specialists will be in touch with you soon.
You may use our Business Property Loan Affordability Calculator to find out the indicative monthly instalment payment of your business and commercial property loan.
Apply online via Myinfo business and we'll get in touch within 1 business day1.
The UOB Business Property & Equity Loan is available to the following companies:
For enquiries that reach UOB within the Stipulated Timing, we will contact you by the next Business Day with an indicative loan amount that you may apply for. “Business Day” is defined as Mondays to Fridays (Singapore date and time, and excluding Singapore and bank public holidays). “Stipulated Timing” is defined as 8am to 8pm from Mondays to Saturdays (Singapore date and time, and excluding Singapore and bank public holidays). For enquiries that reach UOB at times other than the Stipulated Timing, we will contact you within two Business Days after UOB receives your enquiries, with an indicative loan amount that you may apply for.
Full product terms and conditions apply. The quote of the indicative loan amount is based on the information provided by the customer and does not constitute an offer, an invitation to offer, a solicitation or recommendation to enter into or conclude any transaction, and the quote of the indicative loan amount is not a contractual agreement by UOB to provide the UOB business loan or any other products/ services to the customer. Accordingly, the actual approval of the UOB business loan application is subject to the submission of the required full and complete documentation as UOB may so require at its discretion and UOB’s credit assessment. UOB has the absolute right and discretion to decide, for whatever reason and without prior notice and without being liable to any person, whether to approve the customer’s application for the UOB business loan and whether (i) to grant (or not to grant) the customer the amount of the UOB business loan requested for in the customer’s application form; or (ii) to grant the customer a lower amount from the amount of the indicative loan amount quoted or from the amount of the UOB business loan requested for in the customer’s application form.
1Terms and conditions governing the "Next Business Day Response" program apply.
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