What is sustainable investing?
Sustainable investing means using environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, along with financial metrics, to assess what you invest in. No longer mere buzzwords, ESG factors increasingly rank highly on investors' agendas.

Why it matters today
We are living in times of environmental and sustainability changes, from climate change to income inequality. This makes sustainable investing more important than ever. As investors, we have the power to use our capital to make a positive difference.
How it adds value to your portfolio
Sustainable investing is a way of future-proofing your portfolio. It can help you:
Why invest with us

Our unique Risk-First Approach ensures you understand your risk appetite as the starting point in your wealth journey. This means we first identify how much risk you are able and willing to take, before considering the returns you would like to achieve. Sustainable investing is well-aligned with our Risk-First Approach.

Developed in consultation with industry specialists, our sustainable investing framework is a methodology that enables us to screen, score and monitor each investment to sieve out suitable offerings for you.

In partnership with ESG specialists, we bring you sustainable investment solutions that are suited to your needs, preferences and values.
Get in touch
Get in touch
Call our 24-hour UOB Privilege Concierge at 1800 222 9889 (Singapore) or +65 6222 9889 (overseas).
For existing Privilege Banking clients
Tap on the Privilege Banking icon on your home page on the UOB TMRW app for your Client Advisor's name and contact details.
Start a Privilege Banking relationship with us
Sign up as a Privilege Banking client with a minimum of S$350,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) in qualifying assets under management.
Leave us your contact details and a Client Advisor will contact you.
Things you should know
Important notice and disclaimers
The above information shall not be regarded as an offer, recommendation, solicitation or advice to buy or sell any investment product and shall not be transmitted, disclosed, copied or relied upon by any person for whatever purpose. Any description of investment products is qualified in its entirety by the terms and conditions of the investment product and if applicable, the prospectus or constituting document of the investment product. Nothing in this document constitutes accounting, legal, regulatory, tax, financial or other advice. If in doubt, you should consult your own professional advisers about issues discussed herein. The information contained herein, including any data, projections and underlying assumptions, are based on certain assumptions, management forecasts and analysis of known information and reflects prevailing conditions as of the date of the article, all of which are subject to change at any time without notice. Although every reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and objectivity of the information contained in this publication, United Overseas Bank Limited (“UOB”) and its employees make no representation or warranty of any kind, express, implied or statutory, and shall not be responsible or liable for its completeness or accuracy. As such, UOB and its employees accept no liability for any error, inaccuracy, omission or any consequence or any loss/damage howsoever suffered by any person, arising from any reliance by any person on the views expressed or information provided.
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