Regular Investment Savings Plan

  • regular-investment-schemeregular-investment-scheme

    A regular investment savings plan to help you get ahead, affordably

UOB Regular Investment Savings Plan (RIS) a disciplined approach to investing. It helps you to take small and steady steps towards building your investment position and achieving your financial goals.



From as little as S$100 monthly*, you be on your way to start building up your investments.



Flexibility to increase or decrease your monthly investment amount

Power of compounding

Power of compounding

It helps grow a small sum of money into a substantial amount over a longer time horizon.

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Dollar Cost Averaging

Dollar Cost Averaging

Potentially gain higher returns as your average unit cost potentially decreases over time

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A little goes a long way, with time.

Start early. The earlier you begin; the more time you will have to enjoy the benefit of compounding effect.

Take advantage of the compounding effect and you could grow your wealth in the long-term with small but regular contributions.

Your yearly gain increases every year even though you did not top up your investment amount. This increase in yearly gain is due to the compounding effect. In the long run, the effect of compounding, or reinvesting your returns, can be very significant.


Illustration of the benefits of compounding effect

  Value Yearly gain
Today S$ 1,000 -
In 1 year S$ 1,060 S$ 60
In 2 years S$1,123.60 S$ 63.60
In 3 years S$1,191.02 S$ 67.42

Assuming a rate of return of 6% annually.


If you invest S$1,000 today, you will have S$1,060 in one year, assuming a rate of return of 6% per annum. Rather than withdraw the S$60 gained, you reinvest it for another year. Assuming the same rate of return at 6%, your investment amount of S$1,060, will grow to S$1,123.60 by the end of the second year.

It's all about time in the market, not timing the market

Many investors believe that they can "time the market" – getting in before the prices rise, and getting out just before the prices fall.

Anticipating these market rises and falls can be extremely difficult and stressful for the investor, which is why RIS may be a preferred approach as compared to taking the risk to "time the market".


Illustration of the benefits of dollar cost averaging

Month Dollar Cost Averaging One Lump Sum
Amount Unit Price No. of units Amount Unit Price No. of units
January S$ 1,000 S$ 50 20 S$ 5,000 S$ 50 100
February S$ 1,000 S$ 10 100      
March S$ 1,000 S$ 100 10      
April S$ 1,000 S$ 75 13      
May S$ 1,000 S$ 20 50      
Total Amount Invested S$ 5,000 S$ 5,000
Total Units Purchased 193 100
Average Price Paid Per Unit S$ 26 S$ 50
If market price falls to S$ 20 in June Loss of S$ 1,140 Loss of S$ 3,000
If market price rises to S$ 60 in June Gain of S$ 6,580 Gain of S$ 100

If the unit price falls to S$20 in June, you will have realised a smaller loss if you had practised dollar cost averaging, than if you invested one lump sum in January.

On the other hand, if the unit price rises to S$60 in June, you will have received a much larger gain with dollar cost averaging than with a lump-sum investment.

Based on the above scenario, with dollar-cost averaging, your losses are minimised while your gains are potentially enhanced.

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* Minimum initial lump sum investment of S$1,000 is required with RIS, and is available only for selected SGD denominated Unit Trusts.
+ Subject to existing Regular Investment Scheme (RIS) terms and conditions.

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