CSP360: Corporate Sustainability Platform

CSP360: Corporate Sustainability Platform

CSP360 is a one-stop Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) data management platform capable of meeting Bank-wide sustainability-related data needs. It provides an automated workflow to manage UOB's ESG business cases, allowing the provision of ESG data to relevant business users for data-driven workflows and decision-making. The platform's data integration capabilities enable the ingestion of data from both internal and external third-party sources.

Key ESG Challenges


ESG data coverage is presently limited to large, listed corporations for majority of the available datasets.


ESG data quality is variable with limited standardisation and consistency, resulting in the use of multiple data sources for a more complete overview.


The multitude of data sources introduces challenges in incorporating ESG data into existing processes, hindering operational efficiency.


Additionally, inadequate data architecture and governance can undermine the accuracy of ESG-related analytics.


These factors potentially complicate the implementation of sustainability strategies and ESG risk management for financial institutions.


To address the issues above, our ESG data solution is designed to be:

  • An end-to-end ESG-focused data workflow with sector-specific data provisioning;
  • Capable of integrating externally acquired ESG data with internal client data;
  • Scalable to BUs requiring data solutions at different levels for varying reporting and analytics use cases;
  • Adaptable to changes in regulations over time and across borders, and;
  • Flexible in data input and output formats, including support for automation of data refresh.

Projected Benefits

With its capabilities and functions, CSP360 aims to achieve the following at UOB:

  • Source ESG from reputable data providers and establish data controls for enhanced data quality and coverage;
  • Improve the availability and accessibility of ESG data by consolidating them on a common platform;
  • Incorporate ESG data into core banking processes, facilitating sustainable financing opportunities, managing ESG risks and supporting credit decision making;
  • Contribute to the operationalisation of UOB’s sustainability strategies, and;
  • Support wider business segments beyond corporate sectors with innovative and personalised sustainable solutions.


A one-stop data management platform for ESG data and analytics.

CSP360: Corporate Sustainability Platform

The End-to-End Data Process

CSP360: Corporate Sustainability Platform

CSP360 is a highly versatile platform and can be utilised for a wide range of business workflows. The five-stage data flow process begins with Data Acquisition, identified in collaboration with the business units or functions. Potential data sources include data from various source systems within the Bank and external third-party websites, databases and data feeds available on the internet or data vendors. Relevant internal data is identified and sourced through close discussions with all parties involved, while external data can be acquired through a variety of means, including web scraping, setting up of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) or Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) servers to receive third-party data. The acquired data is then ingested into UOB’s central data architecture.

In the Data Integration stage, the newly acquired data is formatted into a consistent structure that ensures accuracy and then integrated and stored with existing data within CSP360. Data relevant to specific business needs is extracted and aggregated in the Data Transformation stage, forming a more targeted and precise pool of data available for the end user's workflow.

In the Data Delivery stage, the transformed data is transferred from CSP360 to existing or new user interfaces that the end user interacts with. The range of interfaces include data visualisation tools for dashboarding, and static reports in the form of PDF documents or email notifications. Data Analytics and reporting from the data provide ESG analytics and insights, and our team can help to build live dashboards and reports for specific data needs. Data refresh through CSP360 can be scheduled and automated depending on the availability of new data from the data source.

CSP360 Platform Capabilities

CSP360: Corporate Sustainability Platform

One of the main features of CSP360 is its capability to adapt and to grow. As a central repository for ESG-related data, it is an essential component for ongoing and up-to-date data provisioning as ESG data needs change with regulatory requirements and territory-specific considerations. New data sources, both internal and external, can be added to CSP360, and the scope of the platform is only limited by data availability and the tools that end users use to interact with the data. The main subject areas and their respective data sources shown above can be used as a reference for how CSP360 may be utilised.

Data Coverage

The following figures are obtained when the external attributes from 75 data sources are matched with our existing clients:

CSP360: Corporate Sustainability Platform

Business Use Cases

Below are some use case scenarios where CSP360 has be able to support business groups in adopting data-driven workflows for their business processes:

ESG Adverse News Surveillance System

The team has completed the first phase of development with the Country and Credit Risk Management (CCRM) ESG team to facilitate the direct delivery of ESG adverse news to the inboxes of relevant Relationship Managers (RMs).

The ESG Adverse News Surveillance System is currently live and utilises ESG data feeds from an external ESG data provider to trigger the alert, empowering RMs to initiate an ESG risk management workflow for affected clients.

CSP360: Corporate Sustainability Platform Sample of an email notification

ESG Dashboard

ESG data points from CSP360 can be organised into data visualisations in dashboards according to various business needs. Please reach out to our team for a ESG dashboard demonstration or discussion.

CSP360: Corporate Sustainability Platform

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